Remember those days? Waiting rooms were crammed with people, coughing strangers everywhere, and a huge stack of magazines no one dared to touch.
But those days are thankfully fading away into the past.
Imagine this, a prompt and secure video chat with your healthcare assistant from your own convenient space. You discuss your concerns and get a diagnosis - all within the blink of an eye.
Or you can picture this: a custom made prosthetic limb, created just for you using a 3D printer, helps you to regain your mobility and strength.
These scenes are a glimpse into the near future, a reality that technology is bringing to healthcare. It’s all about your convenience, personalization, and taking a proactive step in taking care of your health, that could be an interesting story worth getting excited about.
Machines Are Changing The Healthcare System
Ever since the healthcare industry began using artificial intelligence in patient care, the healthcare industry witnessed a significant growth, the emergence of artificial intelligence marks a significant chapter in the evolution of healthcare. Its application extends from disease diagnosis and drug discovery to personalized treatment plans.
- Disease Diagnosis: In disease diagnosis, AI plays a crucial role in accelerating and improving the accuracy of medical image analysis, including X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans.
- Drug Discovery and Development: AI algorithm can identify wide repositories of biomedical data, including genetic information, protein structure, and chemical compounds to design new therapeutic molecules. By effectively maintaining the drug discovery process, AI can accelerate the development and delivery of new treatments to market.
- Personalized Treatment Plans: By studying a patient’s medical history thoroughly, AI can help healthcare providers make more informed decisions about treatment options, drug dosage adjustments, and preventive measures. It ultimately leads to a better health outcome and reduced healthcare costs.
Telemedicine is Breaking the Location Barriers
This advanced healthcare technology enables more effective and hassle-free remote doctor-patient consultations. Making it more convenient to people who live in remote areas or have difficulty traveling. This technology also supports the real-time access to surgeons during complex procedures.
Extended Reality (AR/VR) in Providing Patient Care and Treatment
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are revolutionizing patient care and treatments. Now, medical students can make use of the immersive simulations created through AR and VR to practice complex procedures by sharpening their skills in a risk free environment. In the same way, AR/VR can help patients familiarize with upcoming surgeries, thereby lowering anxiety before surgery. Furthermore, VR can be used as a powerful distraction tool during medical procedures. This distraction proves beneficial, helping patients manage pain and anxiety by transporting them into a virtual state.
Customized Solutions Through 3D Printing
Advanced healthcare technologies enable the customization of personalized treatment for patients. From prosthetic creation to implants that are customized according to individual anatomy to ensure the optimal fit. 3D-printed implants and prosthetics increase the functionality and comfort level of the patients. These innovations can significantly impact the healthcare industry, ensuring better medical care across all the fields.
How AI is Changing the Face of Healthcare Sector
A young Emirati man faced a critical situation after experiencing a sudden heart attack. But thanks to AI technology, doctors were able to intervene and save him.
In an exclusive interview with Khaleej Times, Dr. Habboush revealed how AI assisted in the young Emirati man's life-saving heart procedure. Using an AI powered intravascular imaging, the medical team was able to determine the exact size of the sent need to repair the patients’ arteries. This discovery was undoubtedly important, as even a slight change in timing could have had life-threatening consequences.
Dr. Habboush highlighted the crucial role of AI. Initially, the blockage seemed manageable, but AI analysis revealed a substantial gap in the artery's diameter. Without the help of AI, the patient could have received a stent that was too small, which could have caused more serious health issues in the future.
The story of the young Emirati man who received a life-saving heart procedure with AI assistance, tells the powerful role AI is having in the healthcare industry.
As AI technology is evolving more in the healthcare sector, we can expect a future of better healthcare support, faster interventions, and most importantly, more lives saved.
This is an exciting time for healthcare, as AI is making continued efforts to transform the face of the healthcare industry.

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